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Недовольны работой больницы?

ГБУЗ ВО «Муромская стоматологическая поликлиника» приглашает на работу врача-стоматолога и зубного врача с опытом работы не менее 3-х лет. , 
Обращаться в отдел кадров по адресу: Красноармейская, д. 37, тел. 8(49234)4-10-92.

Регистратура: 8 (49234) 3-31-46


for foreign citizens wishing to enter
to the Russian Federation for the purpose of treatment 


1) The arrival of a foreign citizen in the Russian Federation for the purpose of treatment under the restrictions adopted by the Russian Federation, taking into account the current epidemiological situation, should be considered as an urgent need for the provision of highly qualified assistance by medical personnel of medical institutions of the Russian Federation. 

2) For the provision by a foreign citizen of false information in order to obtain permission to enter the territory of the Russian Federation for the purpose of treatment, as well as the provision of false documents confirming an invitation to treatment in medical organizations of the Russian Federation when crossing the state border of the Russian Federation, criminal liability is provided in accordance with Article 322 of the Criminal Code RF "Illegal crossing of the state border of the Russian Federation"This information leaflet is valid under the restrictions associated with the current epidemiological situation regarding the novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19).

  • Администрация ГБУЗ ВО МСП
  • 749

  • Яндекс.Метрика